And all of that (and more!!!) is definitely possible for you!
and what I know from working with hundreds of highly successful and ambitious clients is that you put a lot of effort into being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.
You’ve overcome struggles and challenges. You’ve had your fair share of ups and downs. You’ve already done some inner healing and lots of personal development.
And you know that there’s always more. There’s always the next level. There is always more depth to discover and explore.
You know that you’re your most powerful tool in creating the success, life and relationships you want to have and enjoy in your life.
And so you’re willing to do what it takes but you’re done with wasting money, energy and time on doing things that just don’t work, at least not in the long-term.
I’m the same. I hate waste and what I do and apply in my own life also needs to make sense to me. I don’t follow anyone or anything blindly. It needs to work for me and I need to get it. As do my clients.
I have had countless experiences in which I’ve explained something to a client that they have heard hundreds of times before but the way I shared it helped them to finally get it, understand the reasoning behind it all and then apply it willingly. I just helped their brain ditch the resistance that comes up when something just doesn’t make practical sense.
Perspective shifts alone are highly valuable and powerful. But that’s only the beginning of the transformative work I do with my clients …
I help you discover and dissolve the unconscious patterns that sabotage your success in love, life & business and stop you in your tracks because it just doesn't feel safe to go against the rules and roles of the past.
I find that when something doesn't make sense it's because you don't have all the pieces of the puzzle. I'm an expert at finding them and piecing them all together so that you begin to make sense to yourself. And that's not only very exciting and empowering, it's also deeply soothing.
The doubt dissolves, the anxiety fades away and the worries are replaced by excited thoughts.
You'll get to know yourself on the deepest level possible and finally unlock your unique activation moves that allow you to take action from a place of excitement, confidence and clarity.
Attracting your soulmate, landing the new job, getting fully booked with coaching clients or having consistent 6 figure months will be a natural consequence of your inner transformation.

This is the ultimate deep transformation experience that is customised to suit your needs and align with your deepest values, gifts, purpose and desires.
For 8 weeks, we will work together to clearly identify the root cause of what stops you from making your success dream a reality.
You will update any old patterns that keep you stuck and stop you from receiving the success and love you deserve. You will fully step into worthiness mode and radiate a genuine and lasting confidence that makes you irresistibly attractive. You will feel increasingly excited and ready to jump out of bed each morning because of all the amazing things you are going to make happen.

☑️ 8 one-to-one sessions lasting 45 minutes each (1 session per week)
☑️ Transformational Activities to complete between sessions
☑️ Lifetime access to the Epic Love & Success Private Support Community
☑️ Journaling Prompts to deepen your transformation

“Working with Marlena has been life-changing. I didn't expect it to be as powerful as it was, I've got to be honest. She has a very different way with people and makes you feel at ease. She gives you a new way of looking at things and understanding yourself. I really thought I was a bit crazy but Marlena has helped me make sense of what was going on for me and guided me towards what she calls my next level. It was really great and I highly recommend working with her.”
Get Ready For A Tangible Transformation
Yes, inner healing and personal growth are beautiful and powerful. It changes us in the most profound way.
AND we also want success while feeling deeply connected to our purpose.
Let's have a look at some of my clients' tangible results while working with me:

⭐️ You are a great problem-solver who likes to be proactive and has a 'can-do' attitude.
⭐️ You want to reach a new level of personal development and expansion because you know how valuable it is.
⭐️ You are ready to dissolve some success blocks so that you can finally realise and receive what you desire the most.
⭐️ You are willing to be authentic and make aligned choices based on who you really are, not who you think you should be.
⭐️ You are ready to embody the most successful version of you, feel worthy of it and unleash a confidence that draws all the right people to you.
⭐️ You commit to stop playing small and empowering yourself instead even though that might feel uncomfortable at first.
⭐️ You are ready to let go of outdated patterns, rules and roles to make space for new, next-level transformations.
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I start?
What is expected of me?
Can I extend this experience?
What if I’m not happy?

“I had felt trapped in my marriage for many years and felt embarrassed about needing support with it. But Marlena put me at ease. She totally gets it and you can sense it. There is something very different that happens when talking to Marlena ... it calms you. It feels reassuring and somehow it changes you. All I can say is that my marriage is better now than ever but more importantly I feel amazing about myself and understand myself in a new way that makes sense."
You'll Have Direct Access To My Expertise
⭐️ I'm a codependency and attachment expert.
⭐️ I use my Internal Focus Method to show my clients how to feel complete and at home within themselves.
⭐️ As a relationship coach, I help my clients transform their relationships with people, their business, their creativity, money ... but most importantly, themselves.
⭐️ My work is transformation-focused and integrated within the Transtheoretical Model of Change.
⭐️ I'm am integrative psychotherapist with a speciality in trauma and empowered healing.
⭐️ I address root causes and don't get side-tracked by symptoms which makes the transformation last.
⭐️ I teach emotional expansion and mind mastery skills that allow you to step into your potential.
⭐️ I have studied online business & marketing for the past 3 years so understand my clients' business problems first-hand.
⭐️ I help my clients discover their purpose (and message) with the Gene Keys and Human Design.
⭐️ I am Clinical Director at my psychotherapist practice and have managed up to 14 therapists.